Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do before making a water well service call?

Before picking up the phone for your water well service call, make sure to identify the core of your issue. Are you experiencing stuttering faucets? Is the water being piped to your house changing in color or consistency? There are a number of different reasons as to why your well might be malfunctioning.

No matter what your core service issue is, you’ll need a professional by your side to get through the issue. If you live in Missoula, MT, then Western Montana Drilling Company is your local provider of all things related to water service repair.

What are the advantages of installing a well?

For commercial property owners looking to improve on their investment, installing a well could go a long way toward accomplishing that task. Private wells have become increasingly popular over the years as they provide building owners with a fresh and clean supply of water. Additionally, custom drilled wells will be free from chemical contaminants that are typically found in city water. In order to get a well installed in Missoula, MT, business owners will need to pursue at least two well-drilling estimates.

Most companies will offer free well drilling estimates in order to analyze your land. These estimates should be considered a guidepost toward what your overall expense will actually be. During the consulting phase, you and the well drilling company will work together in order to locate the ideal place to drill. Once your well is mapped out and your expenses are totaled, you can decide whether or not to go forward with the project.

What should I do if my faucet gives me a dry sputtering sound?

You turn the faucet in your bathroom on. Instead of being greeted by a steady flow of clean, cold water, you are met with a dry sputtering sound. You try the faucet in your kitchen and you encounter the same results. At this point in time, you know that you are in need of a new well pump. What do you do?

Ordering a new well pump isn’t easy. Well pumps are relatively specialized products which means that you will need some assistance in getting the proper replacement gear. Fortunately, you have options available to you if you live near Missoula, MT. The Western Montana Drilling Company provides full water well pump repair and replacement services. Their team of quality technicians is available to offer consultations and estimates for free. When your problem has been properly diagnosed, you can have replacement parts ordered to be installed on the same day.

What is the first step if I am considering a well?

Well Drilling Consultations Are The Best Way To Make an Informed Purchase.

Well drilling consultations are the ideal way to address installing a well on your property. Whether you own a farmhouse or a mansion, a water well can provide you with all of your water utility needs. From pumping clean and tasty water into your home to reduce your overall utility bills, there are plenty of reasons to consider installing a private well. Having said that, what exactly goes into the consultation process?

Ultimately, well drilling consultations should be provided to you for free. This essential service is required in order to get the perfect well drilled onto your property. During your consultation, you will identify where on your land that your well needs to go. Additionally, you’ll find out exactly how deep your well needs to be drilled in order to function appropriately.

Don’t skip out on a well drilling consultation. If you are serious about installing a new well on your property, this will be a vital step.

What do I do if my water pressure fluctuates?

The most common well water pump issues are typically easy to identify and easy to solve. If you own a well water system, pay attention to any changes in your water pressure. Fluctuations in your water pressure could signal that your pump is coming to the end of its lifespan. Additionally, if you notice that your water is changing colors, from light brown to dark and muddy, then you know that you are in need of a well water pump repair service.

Well pump service repairs are affordable when you call on the Western Montana Drilling Company. Don’t live with a faulty pump, get it fixed today!

When is it time to service my water well pump?

A well can be the perfect way to get water to your home. Water wells are amazing for delivering clean, tasty, and affordable water to your home or business. Unfortunately, owning and maintaining a water well means that you have to be ready for any and all well pump service requirements. Your well pump is the single most important utility in your well. So, when your water pump fails, you could be in serious trouble.

The most common problems that will require a well pump service call include sputtering water, a lack of running water, or even muddy water. If you notice any of the prior issues in your home, you might need to call on a well pump service technician in order to get the issue fixed. You can also reference your utility bills in order to locate any unusual spikes in expense in order to figure out if you are due to have your well pump replaced.

What can well drilling companies offer my business?

When your business is looking to install a water service supply, who do you call? It doesn’t matter what industry you operate in when you need water, you need it now. For businesses that live in Missoula, MT, the best well drilling companies can offer you a full suite of services. Let’s look through some of those services, below.

The most reputable well drilling companies in the region will be sure to offer you a free consultation and estimate on your well drilling needs. From selecting the area to install your well to actually getting the job done, they’ll be by your side and leading you along the way. Additionally, the most reputable well drilling companies will have all of the appropriate paperwork and certifications as well as a rich history of experience to draw on.

At Western Montana Drilling Company, customers have been enjoying their well drilling services for more than twenty years. If you are ready to install a well on your property, call today for a consultation.

How much experience does your driller have?

If I were looking for the top water well service near me, my priority would be someone with experience. Fortunately, Western Montana Drilling Company has more than 40 years of drilling experience on their staff. Unlike doing simple repairs around the house, drilling a well can be an exhaustive task. For that reason, I will always opt to find the best water well service near me that I can.

Once you’ve locked in which well drilling company you are going to rely on, you can move forward with the rest of the work. Well drilling services are ideal for residential properties in the city as well as rural residential properties. Additionally, commercial business owners are also starting to see the benefits of having their own unique well drilled on their property.

Don’t consider drilling a well until you’ve done your research. Make sure that you have a reputable drilling company by your side when it comes time to get your well installed.

Do I need a well for a self-sustaining home?

If you are planning to build a home that is entirely self-sustaining, it is crucial that you have your own supply of water. Although there are various ways to achieve this, the most reliable is a water well. Contact your local well drillers for a comprehensive well drilling service that will provide you with your own source of fresh drinkable water.

Determine what your needs are

Die-hard homesteaders will often need to have access to a large and reliable supply of water to maintain their lifestyle without relying on water supplied from the grid. Here are a few things to consider when planning for a well drilling service to help you build your well:

Consider whether you need water for:

  • Fire protection – Although this is a special requirement that most homes will not need to be concerned about, if you live in a dry area prone to fires, it may be worth factoring into your plan.
  • Seasonal use – This includes providing your home with enough water to fill swimming pools, watering the garden as well as washing cars and equipment.
  • Special use – Homesteaders will often need a constant supply of water for the irrigation of crops as well as providing livestock with water.
  • Everyday use – Water for everyday use includes water for drinking, bathing as well as cleaning.

Act on your plans

Once you have determined what your specific needs are, your local well drillers will help you to develop a plan for your unique water requirements. They will come to your property to do an assessment of where the greatest water supply is located. They also ensure that there is an easy means to transport the water from the well to your home.

Once their survey has been completed, the drilling of you well will begin. After they have reached the required depth to access the water table, your well will be insulated and a pump will be fitted to help the water reach the surface of the ground.

Enjoy your own source of water

When your well has been completed, you will be able to enjoy a constant reliable source of water. Not only do you have the assurance of clean water that is supplied from your own property, but you no longer have to be concerned about disruptions in the local water supply that can leave you, your crops and livestock without water.